This method of sale is the most common in the Bundaberg region and is activated by signing a POA Form 6.
Exclusive Agency allows you to work with one Agent for a period up to ninety days. At the end of the ninety days if you are satisfied your Agent is doing a good job but perhaps needs some more time, you can sign an extension which is on the same page of the Form 6. This will reappoint the Agent allowing you to work with your desired Team for another three month period. Having an Exclusive Agent means you get all the perks; an Agent super motivated to sell your property within a short period, communication with only one company, one set of keys, one advertising package, one sign on the property and of course you will be able to hold that Agent completely responsible should something not be getting done to your expectations.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking if you list with more Agents you will get more Buyers - statistics prove time and time again that this is not the case.
The Auction process is also popular, especially in situations of great need for a sale or where the property must sell by a certain time (e.g. mortgagee possession, conclusion of an estate). During an Auction campaign, you will again be subject to an Exclusive agreement, however in this case the key difference being there won’t be a price on your property.
In order to achieve maximum price an Auction campaign allows a three step process. Your property can sell prior to the Auction date through submissions of offers to your Agent. Secondly, on the Auction day itself and the third and final portion of an Auction campaign is in the event that the property does not meet the sellers Reserve price on the day nor is an offer received immediately after Auction which is acceptable, the property will revert to the priced method of an Exclusive agreement for the remainder of the ninety day period.
Open listings are the least common mode of listing property for sale. With an Open listing, you can list your property with as many Agencies as you like and still retain the right to sell the home yourself. When it comes to Open listings, the fact is, Exclusive agreements are an Agents priority. Statistics show that they will remain top of mind the longest, will be shown first, advertised first and of course - sold first.
RealWay is not completely against Open listings and will consider them at your request, however, they are not the answer for you if you want to achieve premium price in the shortest amount of time. Remember, the longer you are on the market, the more likely you are to receive a lower price.